The Art of Brand Strategy

Every business's top goal is to succeed. To succeed, we need to be recognized, make an impression, stand out from the competition, attract the ideal consumers, and convince those consumers to trust us and buy from us. The question is, how do we position ourselves to build a positive connection with consumers and show them exactly why we are the right choice for their needs?

What we need is BRAND STRATEGY.

So, What Exactly is Brand Strategy?

  • DEFINITION: Brand strategy is the intentional and comprehensive plan that defines a brand’s purpose, vision, values, target audience, and unique positioning in the market to guide and unify all aspects of its visual and verbal identity.

It's not just about slapping a logo on your products; it's about crafting a narrative that speaks directly to your audience's hearts and minds. At Badlands Design Co., we're not just about making things look pretty – we're about diving deep into the essence of your business to unveil its unique identity.

Before we even think about logos, colours, and fonts, we're diving headfirst into the heart of your business. What's your purpose? What drives you? What problem do you solve? What makes you different? Understanding your who/what/why is the first step in creating a brand that resonates authentically with your audience.

Understanding Your Audience

Who are you here to serve? Where do they hang out? What keeps them up at night? By getting to know your target audience inside and out, we can tailor your brand's message to speak directly to their needs and desires. It's means we can craft your image and message to speak exactly to your dream customers – meaning they will feel heard and understood, developing trust and connection.


Analyzing the Competition

We'll take a sneak peek at what your competitors are up to – not to copy them, but to learn from them. What are they doing right? Where are they falling short? Armed with this knowledge, we can carve out a unique space for your brand in the market. Doing a thorough competitor analysis helps us find out how we can set ourselves apart and target a clientele that wants what YOU have to offer, not what everyone has to offer.


Defining Your Brand's Personality

Your brand isn't just a logo – it's a living, breathing entity with its own personality and voice. We'll work together to define what makes your brand tick, from its sense of humor to its values and beliefs. Think of it as giving your business its distinct flavor – one that keeps customers coming back for more.


Crafting with Purpose and Intention

Once we've laid the groundwork, it's time to bring your brand to life visually. Every colour, font, and graphic choice is crafted with your brand's strategy in mind, ensuring it captures the essence of your brand and resonates with your target audience.

You want your branding to say:

  • “This business is all about [what you do/offer], you need us because [the problem your business solves] and you should choose us because [what sets you apart]

…without actually saying it. The brand strategy process helps us accomplish this.


I Want to Transform Your Brand

At Badlands Design Co., we are committed to understanding your business inside and out. I don't just design logos and add in a few colours and fonts – I dive deep, uncovering the hidden gems that make your brand truly shine and then use those gems to craft something unique, memorable, and attractive. My goal isn't just to make your business look good; it's to make it irresistible.

If you’re ready to create your irresistible brand so your business can start standing out and getting noticed, hit me up! Inquire here and I’ll send you the *Branding Packages & Pricing Guide* so you can see what the packages are all about and decide if it’s something you’re ready for.


Cara Bahan 
Founder + Designer 
Badlands Design Co. 


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